Frequently Asked Questions - On Hold Messages System The Little Yellow Box

What the big phone companies don't tell you about their message on hold system.

They start from the start EVERYTIME?

All the big phone companies say they will give you a 'free message on hold system' when you get new phone from them. Well nothing is for free as we all know. You'll end up paying for it somehow. But that's another story!

The real downside for your business is that your message on hold starts from the start every time you put someone on hold or transfer them to another phone. This animation shows what it does to your customers. Even if your callers don't get shuffled around on the one call, they hear EXACTLY the same information EVERY TIME they ring into your business. What is the point of that? You don't get any benefit and they end up being annoyed! So why do it?

Thanks to our friends at Captivate on Hold for their creative efforts and letting us use this animation


What about using a radio or CD player on your telephone hold system?

If you use radio for your on hold time how can you be sure your customers aren't hearing commercials for your competitors?

Are you always comfortable with what the radio station is playing or promoting?

Have a listen to your radio. We bet it's drifted off the station!

You are breaching copyright if you play a radio or CD on hold without an APRA-ACOS license.


Copyright Laws

The Little Yellow Box messages are free of copyright requirements. You could be up for hefty fines playing the radio or CDs without an APRA-ACOS license.


How much does it cost?

About the price of a coffee!

For that you get:

• Marketing expertise to develop your custom script for your business

• The Little Yellow Box hardware lease for 3 years

• Free message updates every 12 months

• More frequent updates if you want for a small extra charge

• Fixed price contract for 3 years

• Simple monthly EFT payment system



Why Use The Little Yellow Box?

If you put 5 callers on hold 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year you have more than 10,000 opportunities every year to advertise to both current and prospective customers.

Cross sell to every potential customer who is 'on hold' and be sure they are hearing the right key messages about your business.

Give your telephone callers professional marketing messages every time you put them on hold.

Your callers will stay on the line longer, be happier and importantly will ask your people about the products and services they have heard about in your message...


Find out more


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